
Institutions for Open Societies
Institutions for Open Societies (IOS) is one of the four strategic themes within Utrecht University. Within IOS, scholars from a wide field of expertise work together with social partners on these issues because only through joint efforts and constructive dialogue can we develop knowledge and solutions for the challenges of our time.
The Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE) focuses on the relationship between regulation and enforcement at the interplay of national, European and other levels of government as well as private spheres of regulatory enforcement. RENFORCE is also a platform for the exchange of ideas between academics and practitioners.
In/Equality Platform
Researchers from different backgrounds focus on the way inequality is affected by different institutions: capital & property relations, divisions of wealth, families, division of care, educational & training traditions, cultural institutions, welfare state arrangements, tax regimes, borders and other international legal structures.
Gender, Diversity and Global Justice platform
Within this Platform, researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds investigate what organisations can do to enhance the diversity, including the position of women and other under-represented groups, in their organization and how discrimination and devaluation of minority groups can be effectively tackled. Researchers join forces with societal partners to solve complex gender and diversity issues, as well as to develop strategies for societal inclusion and change. The Gender, Diversity and Global Justice is part of the research expertise area Institutions for Open Societies.